
Common Injury Questions


Injured in a Slip, Trip, and Fall Accident?

Every day, people are hurt in slip, trip, and fall accidents. They can happen in an instant because of wet floors, poorly lit stairwells, icy walkways and more—and those accidents can cause injuries that require a painful and sometimes lengthy recovery.

If you've been injured in a fall, you likely have many concerns. Here are some answers to some of the most common questions about slip, trip, and fall accidents:

Do I Have a Slip, Trip, and Fall Case?

After being hurt in a slip-and-fall accident, one of the first questions people ask is, "Do I have a case?" Unfortunately, it's a question with no quick and easy answer. To determine whether or not you have a slip-and-fall case, your best bet is to call the personal injury attorneys at Edgar Snyder & Associates for a free case review.

When you contact our team of legal professionals, we'll consider all the unique details of your slip-and-fall accident to determine if you have a case, including:

  • Accident evidence
  • Who was at fault
  • Your injuries
  • Hospital stays
  • Surgeries—both past and present
  • Permanent damage to your health
  • Future medical needs

Please note: You have limited time to file a legal claim. Call us today—the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can put our over 35 years of legal experience to work for you. When you hire Edgar Snyder & Associates, we handle the hassles, deadlines and paperwork so you can focus on getting well.

Who's Responsible?

When you've been hurt in a slip, trip, and fall accident, you could have injuries that require time off work, surgery and sometimes, even a lifetime of medical appointments. You are likely asking yourself, "Who's responsible?"

The answer comes down to premises liability—a legal term that refers to the responsibility that property owners have to ensure their facilities are safe from tripping hazards, slippery floors, ice, and other dangers that could cause someone to slip, trip, and fall.

There are three types of premises liability—homeowner liability, renter and landlord liability, and business owner liability.

However, in order for these owners to be held liable for a slip, trip, and fall injury that happens on their property, one or more factors must come into play:

  • They caused a dangerous condition (i.e. insufficient lighting or a wet floor)
  • They knew about the dangerous condition and ignored it (i.e. they knew there was ice on a sidewalk but failed to clear it)
  • They were notified of the hazard and failed to correct it (i.e. they knew there was a spill, and did not clean it up)

Sound familiar? Then you could be eligible for money to compensate you for your medical bills, time off work, and in some cases, even pain and suffering.

If you've been hurt in a slip, trip, and fall accident, let our experienced legal team help get you the money you deserve. We are available 24/7—call now for a free case review.

What Should I Do After a Slip, Trip, and Fall Accident?

The actions you take following a slip, trip, and fall accident can greatly affect the outcome of your future case. That's why we put together this list of seven steps to take after a slip, trip, and fall accident.

How Much is My Case Worth?

When you've been seriously injured in a slip, trip, and fall accident, and reeling from piles of medical bills when your injuries make it impossible for you to work, it's understandable that one of your first questions may be. "How much is my case worth?"

No two slip, trip, and fall cases are the same, and the worth of your case depends on many factors—including the evidence, the extent of your injuries, and the amount of your medical bills.

Here at Edgar Snyder & Associates, we wish we could give you a ballpark figure to help ease your mind—but it would be wrong if we did. The truth is, there's no standard formula to use to calculate how much your case is worth, and we don't recommend you trust any law firm—or insurance company—that tells you right away what your case could be worth.

Don't be pressured into a low-ball settlement offer. The only way to find out how much compensation you are entitled to for your slip, trip, and fall accident is to hire an experienced attorney. For over 35 years, Edgar Snyder & Associates has been representing injury victims just like you, helping over 75,000 clients get the money they deserve. Our experienced legal team does this by:

  • Gathering evidence
  • Obtaining medical records
  • Gathering witnesses
  • And in some cases, even hiring experts to prove your case

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a slip, trip, and fall accident, time is of the essence. Accident victims have strict deadlines to file legal claims, so don't delay—call us today for a free case review. And remember: There's never a fee unless we get money for you.

How Much Will It Cost?

After a slip, trip, and fall accident, you probably have many questions. Who will pay your medical bills? What happens if you are too injured to go back to work? What should you say and sign?

At Edgar Snyder & Associates, we don't think "How will I pay for quality legal representation" should be one of them.

That's why we made a promise to our clients: There's never a fee unless we get money for you. And we've kept it for over 35 years. When you work with our firm, we pay all upfront costs, and handle all the hassles so you can concentrate on what's most important: Getting well.

If you're reeling from a slip, trip, and fall accident, call Edgar Snyder & Associates today for a free case review. Our legal professionals are available 24/7, and there's never an obligation to use our services.

Who Pays My Medical Bills?

Slip, trip, and fall accidents can cause serious injuries, often requiring costly trips to the emergency room and time off work. They can also lead to surgery, physical therapy, and sometimes life-long medical appointments. It can be especially frustrating when the fall happened because of the negligence of someone else.

Owners of businesses and homes, and managers of rental properties need to ensure their facilities—including sidewalks and stairwells—are free from slip, trip, and fall dangers such as wet floors, improperly lighted areas, and tripping hazards in general. The bottom line? Property owners need to ensure that property can be safely traveled. If they can't, and someone is injured, they could be legally liable.

This is called premises liability, and there are three types:

  • Homeowners liability
  • Business owner liability
  • Renter and landlord liability

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a slip, trip, and fall accident because of someone else's negligence, you could be eligible for compensation for your medical bills, as well as time off work, and, in some instances even pain and suffering.

However, understanding the ins and outs of these different types of insurance policies is confusing. There are strict deadlines, and confusing paperwork.

That's where the skilled slip, trip, and fall attorneys at Edgar Snyder & Associates come in. Since 1982, we've been helping accident victims recover the money they deserve. When you put our experienced legal team to work for you, we will:

  • Make sense of your insurance policies and coverage limits
  • Negotiate a reduction on outstanding medical bills
  • Advise you on the best way to handle medical bills while your case is active—and help you apply for medical assistance, if necessary

Call Edgar Snyder & Associates today for a free case review. We're available 24/7. There's never an obligation to use our services, and there's never a fee unless we get money for you.

Do I Need an Attorney?

Have you or someone you care about been seriously injured in a slip, trip, and fall accident? Was your accident caused by the negligence of someone else? If so, you may have a case—and if you have a case, you need an experienced attorney.

Think you can't afford an attorney? Actually, you can't afford NOT to hire one. Here's why: According to the Insurance Research Council, injury victims who hire attorneys receive more than three times the money before legal fees than those who forego legal representation.

When you hire the experienced slip, trip, and fall attorneys at Edgar Snyder & Associates, we'll handle all the up-front costs, and navigate the legal system on your behalf. We ensure you get the maximum compensation you are entitled to under the law.

Call us today for a free case review. And remember: There's never a fee unless we get money for you!

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