
Anxiety and SSD Benefits


Have you been diagnosed with severe anxiety? Is your anxiety so bad that you cannot work? Do you suffer from multiple mental health conditions?

You may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. However, the Social Security Administration denies over three-fourths of initial applications – even when people deserve benefits.

Application Denied? You Must Act Now

If your SSD claim was denied, contact our law firm immediately. You only have 60 days to file an appeal.

We win the majority of claims we appeal for our clients. Trust Edgar Snyder & Associates to help you get the money you need.

Eligibility for SSD and SSI Benefits

Those who have been diagnosed with anxiety may be eligible for SSD or SSI benefits, but the Social Security Administration's evaluation process is very tough. Even if you believe you qualify, your application is likely to be denied the first time.

To be considered 'disabled' by the Social Security Administration, your anxiety must:

  • Keep you from working full-time
  • Have lasted, or is expected to last, for at least one year
  • Be life-threatening (especially when diagnosed with other disorders or diseases)

The following will make you more likely to qualify for SSD benefits:

  • You were diagnosed with anxiety by a physician or specialist
  • You are undergoing treatment and regularly visit your doctor or specialist
  • Your anxiety is chronic and makes you unable to work or complete daily tasks
  • You have other mental health conditions or physical disabilities

How Edgar Snyder & Associates Can Help

If you're unable to work due to your anxiety, chances are you're frustrated and dealing with financial struggles. You need the help of experts who know the system and have a high track record of winning SSD claim appeals. Here's what our attorneys and legal staff do to help you:

  • Gather medical records and reports
  • Gather evidence for your claim
  • Gather documents from your Social Security file
  • Talk with your doctor about your condition and how affects your ability to work
  • Provide advice to you to help you prepare for your Social Security hearing
  • And more

Best of all, there's never a fee unless we get money for you. If we don't win your appeal, all the time and effort we put into your case costs you nothing.

Not Yet Diagnosed With Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health condition that affects your emotions, cognitive abilities, and behavior. Depending on the severity, anxiety can even affect the body's ability to function physically.

Statistics show that as much as 18% of Americans may suffer from an anxiety disorder. Common anxiety disorders include: panic disorder, PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms:

  • Feelings of fear and panic
  • Inability to control thoughts
  • Inability to concentrate on daily tasks
  • Problems sleeping (insomnia)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Cold or sweaty hands and feet

If you believe you have an anxiety disorder, you should visit a physician to be diagnosed. You will need to have an official diagnosis and should be undergoing treatment before ever applying for SSD benefits.

Denied SSD Benefits? Let Us Handle the Hassles

If your SSD benefits application was denied and your anxiety is severe, we can help. Remember, you only have 60 days to file an appeal. If you want help applying, we can do that too.

The bottom line – your chance of winning the appeal is much better when you hire our law firm.

Get started with a free legal consultation – no strings attached. Call 412-837-8403, or fill out the form at the top right. Our phones answer 24/7, so contact us today.

For more information on Social Security disability benefits, check out our Social Security disability articles and resources.

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