
Tips for Parents of Teenage Drivers

Have a New Teenage Driver?

Watching your teenager climb behind the wheel of a car can come with many different emotions: pride, concern, worry, doubt, excitement, fear – the list goes on. We understand the rollercoaster that parents ride as their children begin driving. That's why we've compiled some tips that parents can follow to foster a smart, successful, and, most importantly, safe teenage driver.

Check Out the Following Teen Driving Tips for Parents

Car accidents are the leading cause of teenage deaths in the United States. Teens are 9x more likely to have an accident than more experienced drivers. We're committed to reducing that number by helping you keep your teenager safe and responsible when they're out driving. We recommend the following tips for new teen drivers:

  • Practice – In fact, practice a lot. The more experience they have, the better their decisions will be when they're alone. In fact a teen's crash risk is three times that of a driver with experience.
  • Education – Driver's education courses are offered at many schools. We recommend having your child enroll in these classes to learn all they can before they hit the road.
  • Professional Instructors – It's worth considering hiring a professional to teach your teen driver. A pro offers the benefits of having certified experience, as well as other resources at their disposal. And let's face it, some teens learn easier from people who aren't their parents.
  • Passengers – Distractions are one of the main causes of teen driving accidents. Studies show that with each additional passenger the likelihood of an accident increases.
  • Texting – Every day, 11 teens are killed as a result of texting and driving. It is one of the most serious yet most preventable causes of accidents among young drivers. Take some time to educate them.
  • Set Clear, Specific Rules – Before your teen gets their license, you should discuss the details of their driving restrictions and agree on fair rules. Clear communication will help everyone understand what's expected.
  • Parent/Teen Driving Contract – After you've discussed your rules, create a driving agreement and sign it. You can chart their progress, update rules, agree on car schedules, set curfews, and much more. Keep it posted on your fridge so it can be easily referenced. For good place to start, check out the National Safety Council's Parent/Teen Driving Contract.
Tips for Parents

We hope these tips come in handy when you begin the process of educating your teenager about driving. If you have questions about insuring your teen, visit our page dedicated to Teen Drivers and Car Insurance.

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