Single-Vehicle Car Accident Statistics for Pennsylvania

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2017 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- There were 36,953 crashes in which a single vehicle hit a fixed object
- 21,887 passenger cars were involved in these fixed object accidents - almost 60 percent
2014 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- More crashes involved a single-vehicle hitting a fixed object that any other type (37,668).
- 46% of all crashes in 2014 (55,726) involved a single-vehicle crash.
2013 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- 655 total deaths occured in single-vehicle crashes in Pennsylvania in 2013.
- More crashes involved a single-vehicle hitting a fixed object that any other type (39,479).
- 47% of all crashes in 2013 (57,920) involved a single-vehicle crash.
2012 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- 455 Deaths occured in single-vehicle accidents.
- 52% of lethal car accidents in PA were single-vehicle.
- The most common causes of single-vehicle accidents were tire blowouts and fixed-object collisions.
2011 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- More crashes involved a single-vehicle hitting a fixed object that any other type.
- Between 2010 and 2011 crashes where a vehicle hit a fixed object in a one-car crash increased from 36,709 to 39,208.
2010 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- In Pennsylvania, there were 36,709 crashes where a single-vehicle hit a fixed object in a one-car crash.
- There were 54,819 single-vehicle crashes in Pennsylvania in 2010.
- Young drivers (ages 16-21) accounted for 39.5% of the single-vehicle crashes in PA - 12,436 crashes.
2009 Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics (National and Pennsylvania)
- In 2009, 61 percent of fatal crashes across the nation involved only one vehicle (18,745).
- Nearly 57,000 (56,894) crashes in Pennsylvania involved only one vehicle (47 percent).
2007-2008 National Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- In 2007, 59% of fatal crashes involved only one vehicle, as compared with 33% of injury crashes and 31% of property-damage-only crashes.
- Among drivers ages 16-19 involved in fatal crashes in 2008, 49% were involved in single-vehicle crashes.
2008 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Stats
- 43% of all accidents in 2008 were single-vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania.
- In Pennsylvania, young drivers (16-21) got into 14,651 single-vehicle crashes in 2008 compared to mature drivers (65-74) who were in 2,061 single-car crashes the same year
- 61% of Pennsylvania's single-vehicle accidents in 2008 involved passenger cars colliding with a fixed object. 34% involved a light truck, van, or SUV doing the same
2007 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle One Car Accident Statistics
- In 2007, Pennsylvania had 42,653 one car accidents.
- Passenger cars accounted for 26,793 - or 62.8% - of all single-vehicle crashes.
- Light trucks accounted for 32.6%.
- The remainder of these accidents were accounted for by heavy trucks (2.2%), school buses (0.1%), and other (0.5%).
2006 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Accident Statistics
- In 2006, 57,684 one-vehicle crashes occurred in Pennsylvania.
- 25,981 - or 66% - of all single-vehicle crashes were accounted for by passenger cars.
- 29.2% were accounted for by light trucks.
- The remainder of these accidents were accounted for by heavy trucks (2.3%), motorcycles (1.9%), school buses (0.1%), and other (0.5%).
2005 Pennsylvania Single-Vehicle Car Accident Statistics
- 41,901 one car crashes occured in 2005.
- Passenger cars accounted for over 27,553 - or almost 66% - of all single-vehicle crashes.
- Light trucks accounted for 29.7%.
- The remainder of these accidents were accounted for by heavy trucks (2%), motorcycles (1.9%), school buses (0.1%), and other (0.5%).