Drunk Driving Accident Statistics

Drunk Driving Accidents are a Major Concern Statewide and Nationally
While the emphasis on harsher punishments, stricter limitations, and national education has helped bring awareness to the problem of driving while intoxicated, it still remains a leading cause of injury and death in the United States.
We've pulled together statistics – both for Pennsylvania and nationally – that highlight the seriousness of this problem. At our law firm, we see the devastating effects of drunk driving accidents. We believe that education and prevention will lead to lowering these tragic numbers.
If you agree to stand with us against drunk driving, be sure to sign our Safe and Sober Pledge. You could even be entered to win prizes by simply signing up.
2017 Pennsylvania Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics
Note: This was the more recent information available.
- Alcohol-related crashes increased from 10,256 in 2016 to 10,346 in 2017
- Alarmingly, 18 percent of alcohol-related fatalities were drivers in the 16-20 age group, a six percent increase from 2016
- 31% of drunk driving fatalities came from drivers aged 21-25, a two percent increase from 2016
- On average, there are 28 alcohol-related accidents per day
- Over 290 people died in alcohol-related accidents in 2017
- Over 6,500 people were injured in alcohol related crashes in Pennsylvania
2014 Pennsylvania Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics
- There were 10,550 alcohol-related crashes in 2014
- Drunk driving accidents resulted in 333 deaths
- 7,265 injuries from alcohol-related crashes
- 74% of the drunk drivers in traffic crashes were male
- 13% of driver deaths for 16-20 year olds were alcohol-related
- 43% of driver deaths for 21-25 year olds were alcohol-related
- 31% of driver deaths for 26-30 year olds were alcohol-related
- Alcohol-related deaths accounted for 28% of all traffic deaths
- The state average is 29 alcohol-related accidents per day
- 1 person is killed per day in Pennsylvania from drunk driving accidents
2013 Pennsylvania Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics
- There were 11,041 alcohol-related crashes in 2013
- Drunk driving accidents resulted in 381 deaths
- 7,900 injuries from alcohol-related crashes
- 4.1 drunk driving crashes per 100,000 licensed drivers
- 3 out 4 drunk drivers were male
- 19% of driver deaths for 16-20 year olds were alcohol-related
- 44% of driver deaths for 21-25 year olds were alcohol-related
- 34% of driver deaths for 26-30 year olds were alcohol-related
- Alcohol-related deaths accounted for 32% of all traffic deaths
- The state average is 30 alcohol-related accidents per day
- 1 person is killed per day in Pennsylvania from drunk driving accidents
2012 Pennsylvania Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics
- 11,959 alcohol-related crashes
- 404 drunk driving deaths
- 8,724 injuries from alcohol-related crashes
- 4.2 drunk driving crashes per 100,000 licensed drivers
- 3 out of 4 drunk drivers were male
- Alcohol-related crashes accounted for 31% of all traffic accidents
2013 National Drunk Driving Statistics
- 290,000 Americans were injured by drunk driving crashes
- 10,076 deaths from drunk driving accidents
- Someone is injured every 2 minutes from a drunk driving crash
- There are 3 drunk driving deaths per every 100,000 drivers
- Drunk driving rates are highest among 21 to 25 year olds (23.4%)
- 2 out of every 3 people will be involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime
- 28 people die per day in the United States from drunk driving (1 every 52 minutes)
- 29.1 million Americans admitted to drinking and driving
- Drunk driving costs the United States $199 billion per year
More National Statistics
- Average drunk drivers will drive intoxicated 80 times before their first arrest
- Drunk driving accidents are 4.5 times more likely at night
- The average person metabolizes one alcoholic drink per hour
- Males are far more likely to drive drunk than females (15.1% vs. 7.9%)
- 1/3 of all drunk driving arrests are repeat offenders
- In 2012, 239 children were killed in drunk driving crashes (52% were passengers in a car driven by a drunk driver)
A Little Information Can Go a Long Way
Education is the first step towards ending drunk driving accidents. These statistics highlight the very real, very dangerous problem that exists with intoxicated drivers. We urge you to take the necessary steps if you'll be out drinking – like finding a designated driver or arranging for a cab. Make sure you don't get behind the wheel.
If you're ever injured by the negligence of a drunk driver, please contact our law firm immediately. We'll answer your questions and determine the best course of action for you. It's free to speak with us, and there's never an obligation to hire our law firm.
Sources May Include:
"Pennsylvania DUI Association"
"Impaired Driving." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2006.
"2006 Pennsylvania Crash Facts & Statistics." PENNDOT. 2008.
"2007 Traffic Safety Annual Assessment - Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities." August 2008. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2009. Madd.org.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010.