About the Foundation

The Edgar Snyder & Associates Foundation supports Western and Central Pennsylvanian communities through charitable efforts that provide financial support and resources to causes that prevent personal injury, care for injured persons and their loved ones, and improve local neighborhoods.

We are passionate about taking care of those who may need to Find Edgar, but we hope that they never need to. Our goal is to keep our Western and Central Pennsylvania communities safe and supported and we will roll up our sleeves and work side-by-side with charitable organizations to get the job done.

A Note From Edgar

Since establishing the firm 40 years ago, I have made giving back to the community a top priority for Edgar Snyder & Associates. The firm has invested time, resources and financial support for charitable organizations in Western and Central Pennsylvania.

Now, we are building on our 40-year history and formalizing our charitable giving by establishing the Edgar Snyder & Associates Foundation. It is my honor to lead the Foundation as it continues to serve the causes close to my heart while broadening the opportunities to serve communities and individuals in the region.

We thank you for being a part of this journey with us and we invite you to join us in the next chapter of charitable giving.

- Edgar Snyder, Of Counsel


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